Weather Forecast for Tenerife from 26th May to 1st June 2014

Tajinaste in Teide National Park, Tenerife

Weather Forecast for Tenerife 5th to 11th May 2014
Having missed the weather forecast for the last couple of weeks due to walking in the Italian Lakes, we returned to a red hot Tenerife last Thursday. After that it was a mix of sun and cloud with occasional showers; typical end of May weather.

Weather Forecast for Tenerife from Weather Forecast for Tenerife from 26th May to 1st June 2014
Looks it will be an island of two halves. Sunshine and blue skies in the south and sunshine, cloud and some rain in the north. If it’s like last week, most of the rain will be light and fall in the night so it might not be quite as gloomy as it seems.

Weather in South Tenerife –  After a few clouds mixing with the sunshine and a slight chance of rain (25%) on Monday, it will be a sunny week with temperatures staying around 22/23C.

Weather in North Tenerife – A mix of sun and cloud all week in the north with a 10-80% possibility of rain most days. Temperatures will stay at 20/21C throughout the week.

Weather in East Tenerife –  A mix of cloud and sun with Wednesday to Saturday being very cloudy. Like the north, there’s a 10-80% chance of rain all week. Temperatures are the same as the north, 20/21C.

Weather in South West Tenerife – After a partly cloudy Monday it will be a gloriously sunny week with temperatures a perfect 23/24C.

Weather in the Mount Teide Crater – Cloudless skies all week in Teide National Park with  Temperatures in the crater ranging from 7 to 15C and 0 to 5C on the summit. There are no strong winds forecast so the cable car should be running normally.

Pic: The time to see tajinastes in bloom in Teide National Park.

About Jack 471 Articles
Jack is co-editor, writer and photographer for BuzzTrips and the Real Tenerife series of travel websites as well as a contributor to online travel sites and travel magazines. Follow Jack on Google+

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