One of the offshoots of climate change is the impact it has on hiking. A decade ago, walking routes didn’t change that much. In fact, as they often incorporated old trading trails, many of our favourites on Tenerife have been existence for hundreds of years. Now, it seems the impact of extreme weather conditions are affecting walking routes on a more regular basis. The forest fires of summer 2023 engulfed a huge section of the island, affecting an area directly below the island’s spine on both its northern and southern flanks. While the risk level of fires is currently at Grade 0, many trails in this area remain out of bounds. This is a list of closed walking routes on Tenerife due to the summer’s fires.

Trails with Teide National Park that remain closed
- PNT 01 from El Portillo to La Fortaleza is partially closed – from El Portillo to where it meets the PNT 06 Montaña Los Tomillos trail.
- The route around Alto de Guamaso (PNT14) is completely closed. Nearby routes around Montaña de Limón, Montaña de Igueque, and Izaña (PNT 17, 21, and 34) are also closed.
- Some trails to the west of the El Portillo Visitor Centre (PNT 24.1, and 25) are also closed.
- Accessible trails between Izaña and El Portillo (Alto de Guamaso and Roque de Caramujo) are closed.

Walking routes outside Teide National Park that remain closed
- The GR131 between La Esperanza and El Portillo is closed.
- Routes around Las Raíces Zona Recreativa and La Lagunetas (PRTF25, 25.1, 25.2, 25.3) are closed.
- The routes around La Caldera above La Orotava which are currently closed are the PR TF 35 La Caldera to Mamio circular; the 35.1 from the Casa del Agua to Pinolere; 35.2 Ruta del Agua; and the 35.3 short route from Llano de los Corrales to Pinolere.
- The SLTF 81 and 81.1 Camino de la Orilla del Monte routes just to the north west of La Caldera are closed.
- And the Camino a Candelaria between Aguamansa and La Crucita is closed.
This pretty much takes out walking routes around La Caldera in the upper La Orotava Valley for the time being.
Further west in the La Orotava Valley, the PRTF 40 Ladera de Tigaiga above Los Realejos is shut, as is the link section, the PRTF40.1.
Other routes around the island are not affected; however, improvements to paths can result in temporary closures of paths, so pay attention to any local route detours in operation while these take place.
It’s bad news for this season’s walking in the areas of Tenerife most affected by the fires, but there are still many excellent trails to enjoy while nature recovers. We’ve seen it before and, unfortunately, we’ll see it again. Nature is resilient. It doesn’t take too long on the islands before forests flourish again, and the scars of disasters such as these become more difficult to spot.
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