Tenerife Walking Pick of the Week, Northern Anaga Mountains

Anaga Mountains, Tenerife


The Anagas still hold the award for offering the best walking on Tenerife as far as we are concerned. Possibly that’s because the very first time we walked there, we were astounded at how different these remote barrancos and valleys were from the popular perception of Tenerife.

On the other hand, it’s almost as likely it’s because the walking there is just so spectacular and satisfyingly challenging.

Before we moved to Tenerife, we often visited a friend who lives in Garajonay National Park on La Gomera and loved the wild walking on that island. However, the Anagas made us realise that although everyone raved about La Gomera as a walking destination, Tenerife could offer landscapes and terrain that were just as dramatic and unspoilt.

On a clear day, the views in the northern slopes of the Anagas pack an emotional punch that never loses its impact. The thick emerald carpet that helps make the scenery so sensational lends a clue to the downside of walking in these mountains. The clouds can roll in quickly and when bruma (low cloud) descends not only is it adios to the views, they chill through to the bone.

However, the rewards far outweigh the risk. We’ve been walking up there when the heavens have opened and then the sun came out. Watching the steam rise like a misty curtain from the glistening tree tops across the valley was pure hiking magic that made us realise how exotic this misinterpreted island is.

No matter what the weather has been like, we’ve never come away disappointed after a long trek through these special lands. But when the weather is kind, as it has been on our last few treks, it is exhilarating walking.

With virgin forest, tiny hamlets, vistas of an endless ocean, traditional restaurants with teasing aromas from goat and kid grilling on the barbecue and impossibly narrow agricultural terraces, walking in the Anagas is simply full of tasty ingredients.

The photograph was taken on our The Anaga Mountains walking routes.

About Jack 471 Articles
Jack is co-editor, writer and photographer for BuzzTrips and the Real Tenerife series of travel websites as well as a contributor to online travel sites and travel magazines. Follow Jack on Google+


  1. im planning on visiting anaga in 2 weeks times and would lke to know where would be the best place to go that is accessible by bus (or within short distance from the bus)

  2. Because not many people live in Anaga, getting there by public bus isn’t easy (unless you’re in La Laguna). Routes are mainly aimed at people commuting so are infrequent, even less frequent on weekends and public holidays. But it’s not impossible. It would involve you getting to La Laguna bus station from wherever you’re staying and then picking up a bus into Anaga from there. I’d head to Cruz del Carmen which gives access to a few walking routes. Most buses heading into Anaga pass through so it gives you more travel options. But it will take careful planning. The earlier in the morning you get to La Laguna, the more options there are.

  3. Hi I’m stayng in La Laguna Feb/March 2017 and would like to walk in the Anaga Mountains. Are there any guided walks for individuals available in the area?

    Cheers Peter.

  4. Hi Peter,
    We focus only on self guided routes and haven’t walked with any organised guided walking groups so couldn’t really recommend any as we don’t have first hand experience of them. But there are quite a few individuals and companies on Tenerife who arrange guided walks so you should be able to find something to suit.

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