Weather Forecast for Tenerife from 8th to 14th November

The Weather in Tenerife 1st to 7th November

Once again the Spanish Met Office were close with their forecast. The week started off cloudy as predicted but from then on there was a lot of sunshine and temperatures were higher than usual for this time of year. As the week progressed, calima rolled in raising temperatures to summer levelsand pushing the mercury in thermometers to the 30C mark. In parts of the south and south west of Tenerife it also brought strong winds with some describing the experience as being blasted by a hairdryer.

Because of the direction calima comes from the east the north and north west, protected by Mount Teide and the cumbre, experienced hot temperatures and sunshine, but without the hot wind.

The Weather in Tenerife 8th to 14th November

Looks like a similar week for weather on Tenerife, except that there is a slight chance of rain on most days. There is another yellow alert weather warning for high waves on Tuesday and Wednesday on the north coast of Tenerife. The sunniest part of Tenerife’s coast should be the south west, with the hottest part being the east.

Weather in South Tenerife – Mostly sunny on Mon, Wed and Thurs. Mostly sun with some cloud on other days. There’s a 5-15% chance of rain every day except Wed. Temperatures should be around 25C.

Weather in North Tenerife – Mostly sunny on Wed and Thurs. Mostly sun with some cloud on other days. There’s a 5-25% chance of rain every day except Wed. Temperatures should be around 24C.

Weather in East Tenerife – Mostly sunny on Wed. Sunny with some cloud on other days. There’s a 5-45% chance of rain every day. Temperatures should be around 26C.

Weather in South West Tenerife
– Sunny from Mon to Thurs. Mostly sun with some cloud on Sat and Sun. There’s a 5-15% chance of rain every day except Wed. Temperatures should be around 25C.

Weather in the Mount Teide Crater – Sunny all week in the crater with temperatures averaging 12C in the crater and 3C on the summit of Mount Teide. And still no predictions of snowfall.

So far today it’s sunny across Tenerife. With calima having moved on air temperatures have dropped a couple of degrees to a more comfortable mid 20s.

About Jack 471 Articles
Jack is co-editor, writer and photographer for BuzzTrips and the Real Tenerife series of travel websites as well as a contributor to online travel sites and travel magazines. Follow Jack on Google+

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