Review of the Weather in Tenerife 9th August to 15th August
Last week has got to be one of the weirdest weeks for weather that you’ll find on Tenerife and proof that there are only two certainties in life.
We all know that rain at the coast on Tenerife just doesn’t happen in August…or do we?
The week started with reports of some rain along the south coast from Los Cristianos to Callao Salvaje. Then the calima moved in big time affecting the south, west, east and highlands. Temperatures soared to 40C with the hot winds having people rushing for the sanctuary of their A/C. Some joked they were putting their head in the oven to cool down. Because of the direction it arrives from, the calima doesn’t affect the north in the same way, so whilst most of the island baked in the hot calima wind, the north basked in sunny temperatures that remained a hot, but not unbearable 30C+.
Then it all changed again at the end of the week with another weather alert for heavy rainfall and thunderstorms on Sunday. So far reports suggest that what rain did fall was more like showers than anything worth calling rain. At the north coast there wasn’t even enough to leave a damp film on our bird bath.
In reality, it’s a shame that there wasn’t more rain. The calima can leave the island like a tinderbox and some decent rain would help reduce the risk of forest fires.
Weather Forecast for Tenerife from 16th to 22nd August
Weather in South Tenerife – Rain is still forecast for today, after that it’s predicted to be mostly sunshine all week.
Weather in North Tenerife – Rain forecast for today. Then sunny during the week with cloudy spells on Tues, Sat & Sun and mostly sunshine Wed to Fri.
Weather in East Tenerife – Like everywhere else, rain forecast for today; cloudy spells Tues & Sat; mostly sunshine Wed to Fri and mostly cloud on Sunday when there’s a 35% chance of rain.
Weather in South West Tenerife – Exactly the same as the south
Weather in the Mount Teide Crater – Gadzooks, even Teide has rain forecast for this morning before normal full sunny service is restored for the rest of the week.
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