Weather Forecast for Tenerife from 21 to 27th June

Trying to find an accurate weather forecast for Tenerife is virtually impossible – the weather is often different around various parts of Tenerife.

However the Spanish Met Office do break forecasts into separate municipalities and we’ll be bringing you their weekly forecast for the north, south, east and west…and then comparing them to what the weather was really like.

21st to 27th June

Weather in South Tenerife – Mostly sunshine with a few clouds all week.

Weather in North Tenerife
– Sunshine with some cloud on Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Cloudy  with some sunshine Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Weather in East Tenerife
– Cloudy with sunshine every day except Thursday when it’s due to be very cloudy.

Weather in West Tenerife
– Mostly sunshine with a few clouds all week

So far looking at webcams around the island, the Met office seem to have got it right for Monday 21st June except in Santa Cruz in the east where there’s more sunshine than cloud.

About Jack 471 Articles
Jack is co-editor, writer and photographer for BuzzTrips and the Real Tenerife series of travel websites as well as a contributor to online travel sites and travel magazines. Follow Jack on Google+


  1. Although skies may appear somehow cloudy at times and sunshine is not fully granted every single day during the summer season, average temperature in Puerto de la Cruz for the period from the beginning of July and until almost September
    goes from a minimum of 22-23 degrees and up to
    26 degrees. Exceptionally, it might go slightly up with pics of 28 degrees.

  2. The temperatures in Puerto de la Cruz are perfect during the summer months. I think the 23-28 degrees are official air temperatures usually taken in the shade, whereas the true temperatures actually feel higher in reality, but not uncomfortably so.

  3. Going to keep an eye out for any updates. I think the 22-26 mark ain’t bad at all. Hot but cool, not uncomfortably hot I hope lol. A lot of sun bathing by the sound of things. Cant wait, 4 days with the Mrs

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